I have been resisting saying this but couldnt bite my lip any longer!
When you re-powder-coat something, they have to hit it really hard at the sand-blasting phase in order to remove all the epoxy that has really bonded to the original 1st sand blasting phase.
my point being I think you run the risk of initiating loads of sharp peck-marks around the high stress areas such as the axle bearing hangars and front yokes......so in other words, by re-powder coating you are potentially helping the chassis start to crack around high stress regions.
yes people have been doing this for years, and I'm sure the majority are success stories, but if it was me I'd just live with it and spend your money on something that does actually improve on-track performance like, tyres, having the chassis jigged, or a dyno session, or a bit of driver tuition.
sorry.....I'll get off my soap-box now (:-/