Initially there will be no impact as a Brexit vote is just to tell the Government that we want to leave the EU. We could then immediately invoke Article 50 which gets the clock ticking and we have two years to negotiate an exit agreement or, as some leave campaigners have suggested, we could just start negotiations and invoke Article 50 at a later date. We could also negotiate a Norway type agreement where we would still have full access to the EU markets but probably have to continue to pay into the EU and accept free movement of people. We could also try to negotiate a new trade agreement and that would have to be agreed by the other 27 countries and so could take a few years. Worst case might be that we revert to normal trade with tariffs and prices go up a bit. In the short term there could be a run on the pound and that would push up prices and perhaps interest rates. I don't see it starting a big shift to TKM though. Initiatives like Honda Clubman may have attracted a few new people into karting but not a mass shift towards a cheaper series.