Even I’m getting bored with this now.
The identity of ‘SJT Kart76’, Richy, Alan, et al is no secret, nor is mine. None of us is afraid to openly put our argument. What’s with those who insist on hiding?
Completely anonymous ‘Jungian’ homes in on my few posts here. The one criticism / question with respect directly to the ABkC that I raised here concerns the tyre money. If I were to put that argument forward in person at the AGM, however, it seems the rebuttal would be so powerful it would be akin to my crucifixion. If you know that and therefore know the counterargument, ‘Jungian’, why not pluck up the courage to at least make that case here? Come on, publicly crucify me, if only to enlighten anyone still reading this. What’s the point of posting at all, otherwise?
Failing that, one is bound to presume you are a beneficiary or represent beneficiaries of the status quo.
It so happens I’m far from shy to openly, publicly and in person get involved in the sport; also to find the time and commit to the travel. But to do that just for the sake of being a passive observer; no thanks. Meanwhile, it doesn’t look like you’re about to stand up and be counted. Or will you in fact be there? If so, and if I go, will you then be prepared to reveal yourself? It would be nice know if you are going to be my crucifier-in-chief.
I’m not holding my breath for a single answer. And unless you come out of hiding I will engage no further.
Finally, however: threatening those who would consider attending but hold unorthodox views with crucifixion is of course itself a rather sh*tty thing to do. This is language clearly chosen to put off opposition from new attendees who might cause an upset to the status quo but are perhaps not sufficiently confident or experienced when it comes to board / committee meeting situations. Maybe there is concern that change is in the air?