just one of very very few people in karting who tells the truth. who has been beaten more than once in a final by my own engine that I have leant to someone.
best carbs I have given to people to use.
he has been knocked off by someone challenging for the lead in a final by someone using our own too. ANYONE who has ever asked me a carb setting or gearing or tyre pressure I have told them honestly. as it is just a childs sport! my son has tried novices karts to help set it up, he has lead them round the track for whole afternoons,taking seconds off their lap times in one day, which would normally take weeks.
my driver has almost become a bambino driving instructor at llandow lol.
I even offered to pit with the academy kart novice for the whole year at dunkeswell, to run and set their kart up until they were happy to do it themselves,
then I am told I cannot go there now because some lowlife, (who I am told has a life time ban at for,est for all his accusations and trouble making) chooses to spend all his spare time on facebook with a m cunntington (his time will come)who I believe is also on his last warning there and at clay for causing so many arguments and accusations! continually calling my son a cheat. if your drivers are cr*p ,that does not mean we cheat! so he went to dunkeswell anyway, just with his mum(never set a kart up before) and still won by almost 5 seconds and showboated the last 3 laps.
I just refuse to lick a"se while talking about everyone else behind their back, the delusion! lying, gossiping and grown men calling 9 yr olds cheats.
if that's a boulder,I am glad I have it! maybe if more had the boulder karting and kart clubs wouldn't be in the sorry state they are in! sorry I am not a typist or much of a writer