The problem is we seem to be getting twisted up between two different rules.
This document has a nugget Hidden away at the bottom of page three:
Something along the lines of "in answer to a question, the MSA rep confirmed the new track limits rules do not extend to karting because karting has its own rules under section U".
These rules are:
U12.5.3 any driver leaving the track more than twice for any reason may be excluded
U12.5.4 where a driver consistently drives with a wheel off the track it may be deemed as incompatible with general safety etc etc as quoted elsewhere
No mention of kerbs, white lines, what constitutes the track or anything. Then there's a rule 12.5.8 "Track regulations Q14, as appropriate, apply to kart racing" but no mention of what is appropriate and indeed the ABKC document specifically says that the new rules do not apply.
Confused? If the regulations can't be specific it is difficult for us to adhere to them.
Soooooooo.....and I realise that this is a spin-off from the Dunks thread but I think it is relevant...........if Dunks want to call their track the area within the white lines that's up to them. If Clay want to include the inside kerb at the Esses and the outside kerb at Top Bend, that's fine as well. So long as drivers know!
This appears to have been a regulation that's fallen through the cracks. I've seen quite a few inconsistencies in the BB like this.