"Clubs can decide if they want to introduce a new class and club members could have their say and stop new classes"
This is not only true of clubs.
Every year the MSA advertise for new people to stand on their various committees, but they get a complete lack of non-aligned takers. People who want to stand for these committees usually have a vested interest. Some of the committees have a 'self-electing' clause built in, namely that the committee will themselves make a decision as to which candidates to select where there are more candidates than vacancies.
Clearly only those of a similar opinion get selected under these conditions because there is no point in selecting people who might dissent, is there?
Having said that, an acquaintance who sits on MSA committees for other disciplines has been advised to avoid the karting committees because they have become so political and personal.
This is the problem for the MSA, their employees know that some of the decisions are not in the best interest of karting but having agreed to take the advice of the committees of 'expert' opinion from outside of the MSA they are bound to that advice.
Nor is any decision without consequences. What brings in an improvement for one group of people will be detrimental to others. It is now clear to those advising the MSA that some of their decisions have ultimately been detrimental to 'MSA karting' as a whole sometimes unexpectedly, sometimes predictably.
For example, the 'auditable trail of justice' all the way up to the National tribunal is on the one hand laudable, but on the other hand has been exploited by a small number of drivers so that it has become difficult for clubs to act on certain incidents (contact driving, for example). At the same time maintaining the system up to the National tribunal for all events is undeniably expensive and for many people the attraction of 'independent' karting is the lower cost, gained at the expense of being subjected to the whim of officials without recourse to a higher authority.
Yet what may be a 'clubbie event' to one person may be a club championship event to another or an external series championship to another, so abandoning that system of justice has different repercussions on the various drivers.