Firstly I would like to say i'm delighted the magazine is continuing.
The new magazine needs to be brought into the 21st century in it's appearance. It looked amateurish and thus made karting appear amateurish. (even if most of us are). It needs a vibrant, fresh and professional look that doesn't look like it's still printed in 1984.
I know 99.9% of it's readers are already involved in karting so maybe people think this doesn't matter.
It's the same with this website and the ABKC website. They present karting badly. This is a topic which I know has been worn out so ill stop.
Get the magazine looking professional, get it out there more, get help sections in there for new karters and potential karters and get present karting to the rest of the world.
Make it LOOK like the best sport in the world we all know it is!