We have experienced some very frustrating incidents that the COC simply didn’t see despite that fact the whole of the watching paddock did. My advice would be to go and see the COC and ask what if anything was reported, if he says nothing was seen then point out what you “think” happened and ask him to keep an eye out for that driver or type of incident. Ultimately you are the customer and you have the choice not to race at that track if you are unhappy with the quality of the officiating.
We have stopped racing at our local track because we were knocked off on the first lap in a least one race for 7 meetings in a row and never called to the COC despite reporting several of the incidents. This ruined our championship last year at that club and after 2 rounds of the same thing this year we took the decision to race elsewhere. I know we were just very unlucky to get knocked off 9 times in 7 meetings and I can accept that however in 9 incidents of being hit from behind we were never once called to the COC so in my view the problem is never going to get resolved unless the officials actually pick up on the deliberate incidents and punish them. You can race elsewhere if you are unhappy with the COC and his team.
Ironically we race at another track that uses the same COC and the only time we have ever been had problems there was his first meeting at that track where we were leading the race on the penultimate corner, the driver behind blatantly loaded up my lad who waved his hand to show what was happening yet still the COC and two observers didn’t see it. Sometimes you have to get on with it and try your best to enjoy the results you get when things go your way regardless of what a good result is for you.