Ian,, the cost to clubs for the limited return to all in this climate cannot be justifed. Why? You know why! a club will need to buy new decoder and software, for those that have bought Tempus at circa £7500 for the 3 modules the cost of now moving to the new TAG system cannot be justified as the cost will have to go to the competitor.
A transponder is just that, nothing special, Tempus could easily be updated to split timing but that would need some devlopment, hardware would remain same at every track and lo and behold split timing with what people have already got.
With Non MSA racing starting to florish the only benefit I can see on the TAG system is the front end GUI and only then to the person sitting at home, in reality at Club racing and in fairness S1 no one is rushing to watch a screen? The benefit to the competitor is little above zero?
As a club we have costed up the change and circa £12,000 then the transponders to buy on top of that, we have a system that works, put a software devloper onto it for 10 days and it can be better than the TAG front end, I've had one of ur developers look at it then every club could take advantage?