Ok, lets say somebody gets out of line and raises his voice, what is the penalty goin to be for that?
He raises his voice and uses perverse language?
Raises his voice and uses perverse language and becomes physical??
Would the penaulty vary if the abuse is used to a member of the public as aposed to a regular marshall or a CoC.??
Will warnings be issued?
Tooling costs for such an excersie would warrant 16.00...... which should be absorbed/shared by the enforcer and from there on a reasonable charge of a fiver would sound like a cost kept down and if somebody is naughty then multiply it by ten, that would apply to any member of the family....... and so on and so forth. And while we are on it have the people that run teams had thier staff CRB tested? Because this is where all this is going......... And for that I'm fire, and wont be racing next year.