Again I think in principle I am in agreement with the parent licence IF the CoC’s use them as they are intended.
If they hand out endorsements or suspensions in the parents name and limit the number of drivers a non parent (i.e. team) can sign on to one so anybody who looses there licence for say 30 days is having the hassle of getting other people to sign their driver on so it may improve their behaviour once they realise what a pain that would be if it was a permanent requirement.
I am sure we have all seen adults behaving in a totally un-acceptable way in front of their and other peoples children, nobody can condone that and if £16 significantly reduces the number of incidences then I can accept that.
Everybody would spend £16 on a new super fast HT cap if it was legal and made 1/10th improvement so in the scheme of things if children don’t have to see their parents embarrassing themselves and more importantly embarrassing their kids then fair enough.
Its now down to the CoC’s to be strong with anybody who is sent them and enforce their solution to the issue of d***head parents who think anything goes in Parc Ferme when their little Johnny takes himself out making a move that was never on and then says “Dad, he closed the door on me”.