Alex, It is very difficult for anyone to answer your original question without a lot more information and, ideaaly, seeing you on the track. Driving fast in a straight line is easy but all drivers will be slower arouind the corners. You need to compare your times against other drivers to see how far off the pace you are. Some corners will be almost flat out in some karts but require some braking in others. If you are as quick as the other drivers on the straight then that would suggest that you took the corner well and carried your speed through the corner to give you a better speed down the straight. Going round a corner quickly will mean taking the right line, braking at the right time and getting the power down at the right time (better when the wheels are pointing straight ahead rather than still turned) and this will be different for every corner at every track. If you practice with Club 100 then ask some of the officials if they will give you some help. They may be too busy to watch every lap but they are a great bunch of guys and will try and help you by pointing out any errors with your lines etc. I don't know the poeple from other arrive/drive clubs but they would probably also try and help you if you ask and explain that you are quite new to karting and want to improve. Some clubs have track plans that show the racing lines anmd these may also help. It also helps to watch other drivers to see the line they take through a corner and their braking points.