The best item you can buy is a wafflediscombobulator, it is absolutely indispensable and will increase the speed of the kart and the driver enormously.
The wafflediscombobulator works by detecting a certain type of radiation emitted by the presence of items and information that are not strictly functional in effecting the necessary increase in velocity. It does this by taking advantage of the special power of 'paired tachyons' to travel faster than light in relation to each other. One of the pair is captured and the other loose. The Loose Tachyon then travels into the future while measuring the potential of the kart as if you had fitted the intended equipment. It maintains a link still not entirely understood by science, with the captured tachyon which is measuring the potential of the kart in its current condition.
The machine emits a warning signal if the loose Tachyon's Potential is lower than the captured Tachyon's potential enabling you to decide whether to buy after all.
You can test this by standing by the kart and intending to fit go-faster stripes....Uh oh!
Expensive paintscheme for the helmet .... Uh oh!
Extra practice time ....Uh huh!
Time with a driving coach ...uh huh!
Renting a wafflediscombobulator....fzzzz!flash; expensive smell.
See, it works.