Yes this link works but isn't it unbelievable that to find it you have to click on the image showing the top three and to see this you have to scroll half way down the page. (At least that's how I did it). There is nothing stated to indicate this is a Hyperlink object that will take you to the championship tables, you have to work it out for your self.
Why is it both the S1 and FKS cannot have on their main menu bar a prominent menu clearly labelled "Championship Tables". The championship tables represents their reason for existence and to not offer this beggars belief IMO. Even better would be a main menu item titled "Championship Tables" and under this sub menus labelled "Current Year" and Previous Years".
Also when you get to the S1 championship tables the numbers on my computer all roll into each other (no spacing) and the totals on right are repeated twice and overlapping so it's impossible to read. Strikes me the data they upload is in too large a font size.
Come on S1 and FKS. You can and should be doing a lot better!
I hope they aren't paying more than £10 quid a year for the development, maintenance and hosting of these web sites otherwise they are being robbed. Seriously web sites are now a commodity item and you can get better for free!