3 things other things to consider when buying a generator:
1. Value for money, not nessasarily the cheapest, I'm seeing many of the bargain ones with con rods on the outside after only a few hours use, not to mention exploding flywheels, which is a very bad thing.
2. Non inverter type generators can give a very spiky output (electrics not my strong point), but running anything like a TV or a computer from them can be very risky. It's not unheard of for cheap ones to completely fry everything in camper vans, doing enough damage to require a complete rewire costing thousands. Even some of the lastest power tools are complicated and sensitive enough to be at risk.
3. Is noise polution for yourself and your neighbours. An inverter type steps up automatically to provide the output required and otherwise just ticks over quietly.
In response to your original question, you will probably find that it would be cheaper to stick to a 2kw Gen and buy a compressor that it can start.