The older HS Sports system generated a csv file which UKK has to process manually. The new SuperSports system which most track use now generates a file which processes automatically most of the time so I usually upload that to UKK Results by email before I leave the circuit. That takes from 30 mins to an hour usually to process but if there is a glitch in the file, or anyone else's file, it won't process, maybe until UKK fix it the following morning. Anyone that can email with an attachment can do this. Then I also take home pdf copies of all the results and championship points files and upload them to the Shenington website with links and usually do that before I have my supper. That way the competitors can see the exact same sheets as on the notice board, whereas if they go to UKK they get the benefit of the extra processes that are on offer. I can only do this same evening if at the meeting, probably will miss two this year.