If you had asked this question a year ago then based on your location and local track I would have said stick with comer. At Rissington, Shenington and Whilton they had by far the most karts on the grid and although a top honda driver could get in amongst the front runners it was a relatively rare sight. Last week at shenington and this week at Whilton there have been enough hondas to have their own race (grids of 15+) so it will be interesting to see if Rissington sees a similar entry next week. Honda engines can vary and I believe Buckmore introduced a honda clubman class where any drive could buy a rival's engine for a set price. This was because some engines had started selling for `silly' money but even that was only around the £2k to £3k level rather than the £15k to £20k for comers in 2010. Comer racing also seems to be getting more team oriented with fewer dad/lads and a bit less firendly. If we were still in cadets then i would certainly seriously consider the honda option.