Just where would you draw the line in your quest to enable anyone to be spotted? Even jusr racing once per month at your local club would be just a dream for many kids but they could have that special talent that will never be spotted. This does not just apply to karting but to almpost every sport - it the parents do not have sufficient interest, time and money then the kid may never have the opportunity to compete beyond school events. Pooled engines would help a few but for others they might need a free replacement chassis or a mechanic and driver coach to help them compete at the highest level. Why do companies spend millions sponsoring top sports personalities rather than put that money into the grass roots of the sport? Because those personalities help sell the product and the company gets a return on their investment. I get the impression that most of the `chequebook racing' issues come from the comer cadet class but there are lots of classes available for all age groups where you can compete on a more realistic budget so why not enjoy racing in a class you can afford?