"one of the pins has snapped off in the thread and I cannot access it to remove it."
I read this as being a stud that has snapped of below the level of the surrounding material.
There are a variety of ways of removing this stud, but there are more.
1) You can use acid. One of the acids will remove steel but not aluminium. So given time it can be used but with a certain amount of caution.
2) Take the engine to a local engineer with an EDM machine (spark eroder, die sinker, electrical discharge machining) it should be possible to take erode the stud without touching the thread at a cost of about £20 (thats what he charged me for EDM, £15 for setting up the machine and £5 per hole thereafter.)
3) Coke. That's the drink, not the powder. It contains phospheric acid and will loosen the bond between alloy and steel. My local garage use that when an exhaust stub is stubborn before moving on to more aggressive tactics, like welding on stub extensions.