In fairness to the MSA there has been a long lead time to this and it has been mentioned in the karting magazine and in the ABKC newsletters. For races held under CIK/FIA regulations, all drivers under 15 had to wear the CMR helmets with effect from 01.01.10. The MSA delayed it until 01.01.11 for cadets and until 01.01.13 for juniors under 15. I have never seen a message that said the Ducchini was the only helmet passed for 2011. There have been a lot of threads on this subject as the Bell and Arai helmets were costing around £300 and the Ducchini was expected to cost about half that but production seemed to keep being delayed. When you bought your helmet 5 months ago I would have hoped that the trader would have steered you towards the CMR if you made it clear that you intended to race in cadets next year - that would be good cutomer service. However, without trying to start more rants on this thread, in trying to allow a reasonable introduction period we now have the situation where a 13 year old in cadets will have to buy the CMR whereas the 11 or 12 year old in juniors (who may be smaller)can continue to wear a Snell 2005 (or other approved helmet).