I honestly dont know how many have been sold. I am not in any way whatsoever involved in the business, though I do of course know those people who are quite well. Im just a volunteer missionary.
However, I am certain that like all other karts only a minority of owners enter for the races. We have a good, solid base of racers, but are obviously keen to increase that number and are very confident of doing so.
This is perhaps beside the point, but I believe more work should (and will) be done on attracting not so much other kart owners and rather car racers who potentially want more fun (& flexibility) at what is for them far less cost. My background is cars, and this is the only thing in karting that can hold my interest. One of our other regular racers has come from cars, too, and clearly finds this form of motorsport both attractive and wonderfully cheap (its all relative). The timing for this is obviously perfect.