Davy: No, it will certainly not “take over from” Rotax MAX, which is also why I don’t really see that camp as the source of opposition. DD2 is a Dead Duck twice over anyway. I suspect it has an awful lot more to do with other fringe (relative to Rotax) classes such as KZ and especially KF (who has ever seen one of those?), which the establishment may still want to push and not have made look silly by the Aixro.
Chad: Please, not that one again! It cannot be a valid argument: KZ is virtually as fast over a lap (probably a bit more/less depending on the track) and 250gb is certainly faster. I understand KF is also well over 30hp. Why on earth comply with something written to hold back 4-stroke engines only and therefore arbitrary? Besides, “they” would then still get it on the cubic capacity thing. So it will be as Alan says.