In July 2009 this was what was recommended by the ABkC Steering group and publicised in the newsletter then for clubs to comment: "Cadet future The group also made recommendations about the future of the Cadet class, which would be forwarded onto the MSA and George Robinson for consideration. The recommendation was for a cheap and easy to operate low power engine for the 7 to 10 year old drivers, giving an overlap with the new proposed Bambino class (6th birthday to 8th birthday), then a Super Cadet class for 10 – 13 year olds with a range of the available 9 – 10 bhp engines. Some existing classes could possibly be phased out, and Super Cadet would be on a slightly longer chassis than the existing Cadet class." (Did you all read that in July?) George Robinson was on the working group that proposed these changes, so he is fully aware. Colin Wright of Forest Edge was also part of that working group. I don'r recall getting much in the way of adverse comments from the club reps. That recommendation has been working through the MSA system resulting in this announcement. Personally I do not agree with no championship (lets hope it can be called a challenge or something) as new classes need a focal point to begin with, so I will lobby the MSA on that part. The ABkC understood the problem that clubs could have fitting in a new category, ideally in the longer term all juniors could eventually race together, all Super Cadets together (when the class is big enough to be sustainable at club level) and all Cadets together. In the short term there needs to be transitionary periods to adjust age limits so no-one is disadvantaged. This is a European wide class, chassis and engines are available, there is a perceived demand for it, and most of all it bridges the gap between small kids jumping onto adult karts too soon. These proposals are now in a open discussion phase, please also let the ABkC know the views of clubs. The Cadet British Championship class is coming up for review in the next year or so, so we need to plan ahead for the long term future