There really is no kart that you can't really use. As your probabley aware, the rules for TKM have changed significantly so this has opened up the market completely. I have been testing an LH kart which is manufactured by CRG and I shall be running the kart for the season at S1. If you want to race at Hooton and GYG (assumption based on where you live) then I would recommend going with a chassis that will be supported at those tracks. I run a small team at both Hooton and GYG and the importer of the LH chassis, 'LH Kart Line UK' is based in Manchester just off the M56 so its pretty local for you should you need any help. If your interested in trying something new and exciting then drop me an email at and we can have a chat. I tested the kart at Hooton last weekend though and I doubt you will find many karts that will lap faster, offer such a scope for setup change and have a brake system quite as good as the CRG/LH, added with the fact you won't be paying Tony Kart prices for the kit.