John, Brian was saying that he could use his easykart chassis with a TKM engine and therefore not need an extra chassis. You are correct about the tyre cost - the easykart vegas work out about £10 per set more expensive than the Rotax but not sure about comparative wear. Out of interest i looked at som e prices for OTK spares and 3rd party ones. Easykart spares are around 10% to 15% mors expensive than 3rd party ones but considerably cheaper than OTK originals. Some may argue there is a difference in quality but it is difficult to judge how long different items last. There is always the danger that Birel could reach a critical mass and then hike prices to their captive market but so far there is no indication that they will. In many ways the debate about which class is best is pointless so long as you are enjoying your karting. Birel decided there was a market for a tightly controlled series and they appear to have made a success of that both in the UK and several other countries. It may not be everyone's idea of the best solution but from posts on this forum there do seem to be a lot of people who would like to find a `level playing field' series.