it should be being investigated by the Sports Governing Body, whether it be injuries to youngsters or adults!
When this rule regarding nose cones was administered, they must have had reason to endorse a flat front fairing, otherwise the rule could have read, scoop or shovel effect fairing must be used.
The precentage of accidents just proves that something is amiss, it APPEARS that the ZIP Storm nose cone is the common denominator, but even if we are all wrong, they still need to investigate why Cadets are being injured in this way!
This isn't a witch hunt we are simply asking someone to do something by way of investigation as to why this is prevalent amongst Cadet racing. IF findings show that the shape of fairing acts as a launch pad/ramp, then a BAN must be brought in and ZIP will need to design a safe regulation fairing.
The fully enclosed chain guard was brought in for safety reasons, because individuals had received injuries with the previous design. The MSA had evidence then, so why have their Officials not collated the evidence from individual accidents at kart meetings where karts are being launched and rolled?
I have personally been involved in karting for over 30 years, i have only ever rolled a kart once (pre bodywork days)it is a rare event normally - so WHY so many now?