Went to Wildtracks in Cambridgeshire yesterday with a friend to have a spin around in his old TKM. There were about 6 other TKM's there, from early 1990's up to modern stuff. All were being used by a group of friends having a laugh and none of which were licence holders that I know, but the driving standards left me pleasantly surprised I have to say! There was a 9yo girl getting some practice in her new WTP (was her 3rd time) and I was a bit concerned that people might knock her off or do stupid things, but it was refreshing to see all the drivers, even if they were in a pack racing, all BACK OFF AND WAIT FOR SOMEWHERE SAFE TO PASS her, even if it meant following through a few slow corners.
I've been to many a MSA practice day and seen much worse driving than this, so well done to all who were there and made the day great fun. If relative novices can display that sort of standard, why can't a lot of 'pro' drivers?!