Agree with HC64, this has gone a little "off-topic" and maybe the carb debate should be under the 2-Stroke forum. However, we agree with richy that the first step to learning the carb adjustment skill is the driver sat in the garage, helmet and gloves on and tweaking the jets weaker and richer and the dad checking that they have actually moved the jet! The driver needs to understand what to expect (and monitor) as a result of these adjustments when he puts this into practice on a test day with an old engine. It would be fantastic if a closed loop carb/injection/ignition system could be applied to these engines so the kids could just race but if we get into the realms of Engine Management (not even sure if it's possible on a 2-Stroke) it would just increase the cost of this entry level class. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that on-track adjustment to power valves happens in the Rotax class too.
For us, the whole job of tuning the carb is delegated to the driver on the day, only he can be certain that the carb is truly optimised to the air temperature and pressure on the day (or the particular race). This does give an advantage to the drivers who have mastered this skill (particularly when they work both High and Low jets) but we have never perceived a safety issue with it as Tom only gets on the jets on the straights when it's not all going on around him and doesn't take his eyes off the track.
Can we please stay on topic and get back to the point that we now all have an option to fit what is perceived to be a safer option to the standard ZIP Storm front fairing?