John, Really? Is it the same attitude? So I am looking for the ultimate cheat to be at the front and not get caught? You may have read it but you really have not UNDERSTOOD my post.
I will restate it - When cheating gets "bad" people to the front, and they are not identified and excluded quickly, good people will be more likely to EITHER cheat themselves or get out of the sport. The examples of lack of - direction, decisive action or even clear interpretation of stated rules in some areas of the governing side of the sport make this MORE LIKELY.(simplest example - Rotax no grease or just drive below 3000 rpm - different clubs, different interpretations, and now another added cost outcome in S1 at least) We are relatively new to "Your sport" and we DO NOT CHEAT AND WILL NEVER CHEAT but I believe I understand enough about human nature to be able to comment. John, I have the greatest respect for you and your input to the sport but please do not patronise me about getting out of karting. I have been involved enthusiastically and actively in motorsport most of my life and I intend to stay in karting - I just don't have to like all of it, and I have to feel sorry for the MANY retirement sales that come about through disillusionment. As I said - I wish I knew - I would still have come in, I just wouldn't have been so disappointed with the degree of the problem - which is very much worse at junior level on four wheels than two. You imply that because I am new, my view is invalid. Is that really what you want to say? Am I too stupid to have a view? Or how long should my apprenticeship be before I can play a part in the organisation of karting in order to hopefully make it better for existing karters, and better for new karters? In the end, I was expressing a view. Is that not the point of a forum? To interract with others, share views and if somebody - Me? You? MichaelG? Whoever, is so fired up that they take positive action to "take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them" then we all benefit. With the greatest respect, Jon