The process is quite simple.
1) Take teh top off the master cylinder and fill it up.
2) Use the bleed screw on the master cylinder to bleed the master cylinder piston. Tighten the master cylinder bleed screw. Top up the master cylinder
3) Undo one bleed screw slightly,
4) Press the brake down (there is a small fountain in the master cylinder as the the piston goes down, so don't press the brake too quickly). hold the brake down under constant pressure. (if there is only you, a lead weight on a piece of string tied to the pedal and hanging over the nose bar works)
5)Watch the fluid leaving the bleed screw. When it is clear or has no air bubbles, tighten the screw up
6) If the brake bottoms out before the fluid is clear, tighten the bleed screw.
7) Release the brake pedal and see that there is a drop in the fluid level of the master cylinder.
8) Top up the master cylinder.
Do 3 to 8 until no air is coming from either bleed screw.
replace diapraghm on top of master cylinder and screw top on.
Brakes should now work.
The old minarelli brakes had a bleed screw that wasn't at the top of the cylinder. It is possible that air gets trapped even though you follow this procedure. In which case you can tilt the kart until the screw is at the highest point, but if you do this, remember to put the top on the master cylinder before tilting the kart.....otherwise the fluid runs out.