Thanks "Harry".I'm new to karts this year so soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Its an 07 Tony EVX, (used but in good order and all standard) -when I read about the undersized bolts being used as kingpins a faint glimmer of light came on for me and I realised that this might be the answer to why one side is loose and one side fine, one has a 7mm allen drive and the other an 8mm, and finally why I get 2 or 3 deg of negative camber showing on the "loose" side when its on the floor, but zero on the other side. With the Tony set up, I put a total of two (4mm) "UFO" spacers and one plain washer (2mm) distributed acording to desired ride height, to get these in I loosen the pills with the 4mm allen set screws, assemble loose then pull up first with the kingpins, then the allens, and finally the kingpins to torque. Will take it all apart and go over it with the verniers. Thanks again.