The actual process will probably vary according to what class you race in but broadly for recording you need to prepare a sheet to record:- Track, weather, temperature, chassis. engine, carb and settings, tyre type wet/slick/inters,tyre pressures, wheel settings, fuel/oil mix and so on. For each test session you will also record for each lap - lap time, revs, engine temperature. You need to start with a basic set-up that you think will work then go out for your first test session of say 10 laps. Come in, record your data then make one change. maybe you will drop tyre pressures by 2lb. Do next session and record data - is it better or worse? If better then maybe drop pressures again until you start to lose performance. Bear in mind that the temperature may be changing during the day and this could be influencing performance as well as your changes. Once you have found the best performance for whatever you are testing (like tyre pressures here) you can move on to your next test - maybe a change of engine. Whatever you do it is important to only make one change at a time otherwise you will not know which change had the impact. Ideally you want plenty of track time for testing and hiring a track for a day or two can be ideal but adds to the costs.