Steve, so what? I can do everything I need to do on my 9 year old PC running Windows 98, or my 4 year old PC running Windows XP.
I don’t think Dream Weaver is a Microsoft product, Front Page is and you choose ‘publish web’ to upload, very simple. Point being that virtually all software is available and works for PC, so you have a huge choice of applications including web editors. Thing is you’re not comparing like for like, you’re saying a simpler application is simpler to use than more complex application, well that’s hardly surprising.
I have an iPod Nano, it’s a nice bit of hardware, but it is totally let down by iTunes that is utter turd. In Windows Media Player if there’s a corruption in a music track, you hear a slight glitch then the track continues to play, in iTunes it stops playing and skips to the next track.
Friends of mine in TV and film production use Adobe Premier as it’s one of the industry standards, so you could use the same application on Mac or PC to produce TV for Karting.
The ultimate issues for me between Mac and PC is purchase cost, repair and upgrade. Recently I bought a PC laptop because it had a higher specification for less than half the price of a MacBook.
I worked in an office that purchased iMacG3s and later iMacG4s, as Itpro says, they were barely more useful than overpriced paperweights when new. The moment they were out of warranty something on them broke and being non-modular closed systems without expansion ports, they became exactly as useful as paperweights and impossible to upgrade or repair.
It’s easy for Macs to run a limited range of software on closed systems, similar to the standard specification of games consoles, much more difficult for PCs to run 90% of the worlds software and hardware with almost infinite permutations and specifications…
…at less than half the price!!!