Hi Andy,
Thanks for your reply, appreciated.
I did look at the lipo batteries before buying the lead acid, I guess £90 for the 2 I bought swayed me as thats what had been used previously. Will look into lipo once this issue is resolved. Clutch isn't binding on. I don't have a coleman or access to one, although i did try and spin the motor over with a torque wrench which didn't create enough oomph. It did however prove I have another area to sort as it caused the shouldered nut to bind on the sprocket so Im obviously missing a shim/washer/spacer of some sort from that assembly.
This morning I put a freshly charged battery back on and clamped on a multi meter. The battery was holding 13.1v at standstill. When I hit the button the voltage dropped to 10.9v-11.3v under load. I thought that this was acceptable but maybe not?
Does anyone know of a ohms reading for the starter motor??
Andy, I may well take up your offer! Im in suffolk. Thanks again.