Back when there was a lot of problems with the Lynx Starter motor, it was traced to a vibration that occurred at around 15500 rpm, hence the starter clamp and the use of adhesives/ silicone to stop the leads resonating.
There was also a problem with the brushes when it became common for the leads to separate from the graphite.
I have succeeded in the past in sticking the leads back into the brush with instant glue. ( I dont think they actually stuck to the graphite, but solidified as a plug which was too big to pull out).
I have also threaded carbon fibre and fibreglass threads through the copper braid glued at the brush and terminal, which seemed successful but is incredibly fiddly and a dab of silicone was much quicker and simpler and a lot less expensive.
Would any of these work in the X30 ? ( Looks like the same starter but obviously has new problems)