I said this;
"So my interpretation of 'release' is the point at which your inside wheel returns to the ground. These are my phases of corner;
1 - Initial turn 2 - Loading the outside front wheel and lifting the inside rear wheel 3 - Maintaining a close to constant load (floating that inside rear wheel) 4 - Unloading the outside front wheel and dropping the inside rear wheel 5 - Applying the accelerator with the wheel close to dead ahead"
Not this;
"THEN read NikG's response (release occurs at the START of the corner)...."
Maybe your mixing my and your theories together but my rear wheel doesn't get back on the ground until exit, unlike your theory (flick and slide) with which the rear recontacts the grounds as soon as you are at the angle you wish to be at.
More thinking makes me believe that my theory is correct whenever you are slowing down, yours is correct when you aren't. Rye's first half of the first bend is flat (in everything i've driven) and you do attempt to maintain a 'tangential drift' but once you get to the tightening section it becomes my type of corner.
(and i've watched a bunch of on board to come to this conclusion)
So we're both correct....hooray.