Hi, I've got a Daytona. A little later than yours and does not seem to have the problem with the disc on the small diagonal tube. Mid setting it's about 12mm clear. From what I can see the with the axle at mid setting the caliper is only about 3mm away from the main cross tube. So I guess I would have an issue when I try to go fully down.
I also have a couple of broken 010B's in the garage (see other post as to why). One with a type 2 brake system. Just measured both and the mounting centers on the type 1 are 75mm apart and the type 2 only 70mm apart. They are both slotted holes in the chassis so it may be possible to fit a type 2 to a daytona but not sure without trying. But more importantly the relationship to the disc is key and I would need to try the type 2 on the Daytona to find that out. Also don't forget that the type 2 disc is smaller.