From the company's point of view, how could they be CERTAIN that you are not just trying to scam a second 'key' out of them? How could they POSSIBLY tell if you are genuine?
If you can find a satisfactory and 100% reliable way for them to know that you haven't 'sold' or 'given' your original key to someone else and are NOT just trying to scam another one.... then write THAT explanation to them and see what they say... Just SAYING that you are a genuine nice guy doesn't quite count as 'proof'.
Other than that, I can well see their side of this! Because YOU lost is NOT their fault!
You simply would NOT believe the number of (imbecile) customers who try to scam software manufacturers. Blame all those who steal copies for the 'hard' attitude of the manufacturer! We get 'hard' because we've all been SCAMMED so often..... or, more accurately, we USED to get scammed....!