Gillard is one of the smaller manufactueres but just as good, but if you start listing all the good chassis it just confuses people.
For example TibiKart is a small company but produces one of the best feeling chassis i have ever driven.
Good point though, with something like a gillard as well as a tony or ar a maranello, all the big teams have second hand chassis for maybe £1500 or less that have only done a couple of meetings. So for the price of a new storm which is a piece of crap you could have an as new Gillard or Maranello etc! I have an Maranello RS7 i bought brand new in 2007 and it hasnt cracked OR bent in a single place! Its done 2 seasons in Formula 6 and still good for next year and all i have to do is rebuild the brake system.
Whoever thought up the storm concept should be sued and then shot so they cannot repeat their mony grabbing scams.