You say 'gearbox kart.... whatever that means'
Basically, karts used to exist in two basic 'flavours', 100cc direct drive and karts with foot or hand operated clutches with a gear-lever. You can guess what 'gearbox karts' are from that!
The kart you are trying to rebuild won't make any 'sense' without a Geearbox (Gbox) engine. The Gbox karts were quicker and usually MUCH heavier and thus NEEDED a set of front brakes to STOP the things! As you seem to know so little about kart5s, I can guess that you haven't goit the engine yet. If youy are simply going to bolt a NON Gbox engine onto the kart, then you are not likely to NEED front brakes and they will be more hazssle than they are worth.
However, if you are inteding to use a Gbox engine and are intending to use a PROPER kart-GBox engine.... then be VERY careful...... they are EXTREMELELY quick and, in my LONG experience, I would NOT recommend one for your FIRST kart. If you MUST... then stick to a 125cc motor or an elderly Villiers or Star motor... stay away from a PROPER 250cc engine....
You may note how MUCH help we try to give on this site: Miuchael had to write THREE times for you to give us even the MINIMUM information where we can start to help you. You got lucky there as Micahel could have easily have given up with you....
Make SURE you give us ALL the information without making us search for it if you want help.
For precision, I can't tell if ALL the photos you show are from the SAME kart! The first pictures show a Blue Kart but the final one shopws a BLACK kart. FDo wwe assume you have re-sprayed it? However, if that IS a picture of thne kart before you dismatled it.... wher dsid the disks shown in the picture GO?????
If that IS the same kart, then I suspect those calipers and master cylinder is from a 'generic' supplier (someone who supplies different companies) as I had the same calipers and master on a Wright Kart WAY back in 1986. You can try Wright Karts.
The second option is to take pictures and measurements of the disks mount (the 3-pronged thing with the DISK on it......) to a kart manufacturer who makes GBox karts.
Here...... hold on...... I can SEE a front disk in photo 24.......
..... you like making things hard for us, don't you.......?