This link is to the CIK website together with the extract about helmets. All gets very confusing and I saw a CMR helmet advertised on ebay and the description said it was compulsory for all under 12s from 01.01.11 and also for all under 15s racing in Europe. No idea wher the age 12 comes from but very difficult for potential customers if this type of incorrect statement is made.$FILE/Bull%2023%20RT%20Web.pdf?Openelement
3.2) EQUIPMENT SAFETY The Driver must wear: * A helmet with an effi cient and unbreakable protection for the eyes. For all classes, helmets must comply with the following prescriptions (Appendix 2): - Snell Foundation K98, SA2000, K2005 and SA2005 (USA), - British Standards Institution A-type and A/FR-type BS6658-85, including any amendments (Great Britain), - SFI Foundation Inc., Spec. SFI 31.1A and 31.2A (USA). Any modifi cation to the above list will be published in the CIK Bulletin. - Snell-FIA CMH, for Drivers under 15 years old (standard recommended in from 2008 and mandatory in 2009 from 1.1.2010). The weight of helmets may be checked at any time during an event and must not be more than 1,800 g or 1,550 g for Juniors. It must be noted that certain types of helmets must not be painted or carry adhesive material. In accordance with Appendix L to the International Sporting Code (Chapter III, Article 1.2), any addition of devices, whether aerodynamic or other, to helmets is forbidden if they have not been homologated with the helmet concerned.