The trouble with your suggestion is that the format already exists.
The NKRA encourages regional competition, meeting at a Grand Final event later in the year.
However experience has shown that the year has to have a 5 week September, to avoid clashing with any other club weekend.
Too often an October meeting becomes a miserable weatherbound event and November even more chancy.
It's also something that you don't want bound to a particular track, because every track is a long way from someone. Again the NKRA gets all sorts of stick because the significant events (0 plate and Grand Final) are always a long way from someone.
And while it's nice to believe that champions will turn up in any numbers, I suspect that you will only get much interest either from immediate locals or those with big budgets, so one will be forced to widen the criteria just to get a competitive grid.
And as soon as one opens the criteria, then the claim to be the Best of Britain disappears, (Actually in many cases club champions are not particularly distinguished drivers. I've been one by dint of being the only person to do all the rounds, but never winning a single race).
It's a nice idea, but as with the 'classes' argument, when the various championships have difficulties getting proper full grids, is there really a call for another one?
Now, getting all the champions together and putting them into karts they haven't raced before (ie: getting all the Blue, Rotax, and TKM drivers out in , say, Easykarts) on one grid might be interesting but its unlikley anyone is going to get enough publicity to cover the cost of the 'different' engines.