I now have it from a good source. 50mm axle (up to). CIK chassis ,rear axle 2 bearings only and fixed camber caster. What exactly is the difference from whats out there now other than larger axle ? Still running green maxxis but the compound will be slightly grippier, somewhere between current greens and current reds. Approx 0.5 seconds quicker than current tyre. The cik chassis is to make it easier for a new manufacturer to break into the tkm market. I personally run a TKM Viper and may consider a 40 mm axle as a 50mm will not fit in my hangers. I personally really don't think a 50mm axle will offer much if any advantage in tkm. I expect some more wingers will join in at Talkos attempt at bringing TKM into the 21st century. Happy WINGING GUYS !