Unfortunatly not as i thought that £30 for a one of use is a little pricy (excuse my naiveity) heres wot ive bin told to do by my friend -
Well, Remove the bolt from the master cylinder and fill the cylinder as much as possible. I used a large syringe for better control. Put the bolt back in to seal it up and what i did was attach 2 pipes to the bleed nipples of the caliper. Have the other ends of the pipe leading into an external container with some more brake fluid in. Open the the bleed nipples and pump the brakes. If all is well the air should be pushed out, bubble up through the fluid in the external container when the brakes are pressed and when released the fluid will be sucked into the pipes. Keep pumping until all of the air is out.
Thats in the words of him and thats wot i tryed but the air still dont come out.
hope you can help thanks