I'm wondering what's the chapter and verse about the new regs on front bumpers, with respect to the pedal mountings? The Blue Book states the front bumper must be independent from pedal mountings, but on older chassis, the pedal mountings are attached to the steel bar that's welded to the main chassis, and therefore forms an integral part of the lower bumper.
I assume this is yet another thing to try to encourage us to throw away perfectly good chassis, but I'm wondering whether it's possible to cut the lower bar, and mount a removable lower bumper (as on new chassis), and whether this would then satisfy the new regs (as the bumper is now 'independent' of the chassis). The only other way I can see would be to weld on new pedal mounts, but this is not straightforward on some chassis.
What have other people done, and more importantly, how strictly is this new reg being interpreted by scrutineers? We have a couple of older Mitox chassis with this issue, but the main concern for this year is how this will affect prokarts running endurance?