What do you think is the derivation of the 'O' plate?
One logical solution is that it is the Zero plate, won in a single meeting on a certain date for a particular class.
Another equally logical explanation hearks back to the time when clubs were affiliated to only a few other local clubs and wouldn't have to accept entries from non-affiliated clubs; you needed to join one of those clubs to race at that track. An 'O' plate meeting was an 'Open' meeting where entries were accepted from members of any club, hence one was open to entries from the all over the country without an additional membership cost. An RACMSA (as it was then)recognised 'Open' meeting for a particular class would in theory therefore attract the best drivers from the entire country.
(and, in the light of many clubs being affiliated through organisations like ABKc / NKRA etc, has the meaning progressed from 'Open' to "Zero"?)