Having concluded the reading of Every Split Second Counts, I had forgotton those painful years being married to Martin Hines. Martin did not care about the heartbreak, the lies, the constant humiliation, the miscarriages and the sexually transmitted diseases inflicted upon myself, nor the beating when he finally caught up with me for leaving(making sure there was no-one to come to my aid or assistance)or the stealing of my car and my precious Afghan Hound. As I sit in my house in the Bahamas celebrating my birthday and 32nd wedding anniversary to the playboyish Terry Donoghue, I look back and wonder why it took me 6 years to walk away from this marriage to Martin, and that did not happen the way he says... Lastly, while many early parts of the book are inaccurate, Martins parents Mark & Maudie were really neat people... Some things are best left in the past where they belong, although this book review has given me an opportunity to put how I felt when he was having so much adulterous fun...All in all a disappointing read... Chris