The only place where it matters is if there really IS a couple of thousand pounds (or MORE) worth of VALUE between a GOOD motor and an ordinary one! Trust us..... in Rotax classes.... there IS!
I may not be impressed by NJB's manner but he DOES win things! He spent THAT sort of money BUYING a good engine for his own use and he is NOT stupid enough to do that if HE didn't think he would GAIN from that expenditure. The man is NOT a fool! My guess is he is clevere enough to pay THAT much for the motor because it was the CHEAPEST way to get that extra performance!
If you have matching sorts of money available to buy such engines, then I can see why you wouldn't mind it. However, 95% of karters DON'T and, if they chose Rotax becuase they BELIEVED that Rotax motors were all equal (Haa haa! That's just TOO funny!) as they were TOLD before they STARTED in that class then they are NOT being FAIRLY treated by 'karting' as a hobby!
Even if you ARE rich..... how would you feel if there turned out to be a SIGNIFICANTLY more powerful (but LEGAL motor) out there which was available to the highest bidder. It was SO powerful that it could make an 'ordinary' racer into a REGULAR winner. How would YOU feel if that price turned out to be (let's guess) £500,000 as the bidding was between Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to whom such sums of money are MICROSCOPIC!???? Would you STILL want to race in that class knowing that SUCH a 'monster' was out there, against you with NO possibility of you being able to afford it? Wouldn't that make EVERY race against that motor seem REALLY pointless?
That situation is EXACTLY what some people feel is occurring where such SUPER motors as NJB's ones exist!
THAT is why some of us DO feel it makes a difference! It takes the FAIRNESS out of supposedly 'budget restricted' classes!
Yes it HAS been going on since karting began. I bought such motors in MY day and they DID help! However, the difference was that they were available to MOST people as the price difference was NOT 'that big'. My first decent (factory selected) motor HURLED me from the back of the grid to near the front....... but my lousy (over excitable) driving stopped me from winning more often, REGARDLESS of that motor!! I think I would have needed a V8 to win regularly!