My personal view is that on the information available, that the leatt will not stop a child from a serious injury, but may lessen the severity by transfer of the impact lower down the spine or reducing 'snap back'. If the impact is that great I havent seen much that could 'protect'. The weight of the helmet is just as important as mentioned above, but the so called CIK cadet ones have not arrived as yet. Parents have to make their own judgement as there isnt a great deal of evidence to work with. The powers that be will not recommend one way or the other as if they do and something happens they will be liable, and as it stands there is no financial gain by doing any research. IMPO Recommendations will only be made when a neck brace is found to hinder safety. My son wears his and finds it comfortable and doesnt restrict his movement. A huge difference from the sponge one, which restricted his movement. You have to make your own mind up and be comfortable that whatever happens you are happy with your choice.