I can talk you through the 1st part of a race day on Sunday if you don't mind an early start. If you turn up about 0830 I will show you through scrutineering and the preparation I do before racing and attending the drivers briefing. I'll show you all the kit I bring with me (tools, racewear, etc), what I deem essential and what I deem "nice to have". I'll also attempt to answer any questions you may have. Speaking to as many people as possible is a good thing as you will be able to gauge at what level you want to start and aim for. I race in senior TKM number 48. If you find the radio control car circuit, I will be the other side of the blue chacons. My kart has white numbers on a red background and I have a very small white corsa van. Any problems then ask in the circuit reception and they'll show you where I am. Hope to see you there